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发布时间:2020/07/03 15:25:17 阅读:3020 招生电话:400-999-3700

Fine art is a comprehensive art discipline with many professional pathways, whose creative themes, creative styles, materials, media or presenting methods are all very diverse. Any presentation that can be realized through visual means and even more diverse media can be considered as fine art. This profession emphasizes the self-expression of the artists, the revealing of personalities, and the vent of emotions. Artists tend to express abstract themes and concepts by straightforward visual sensory elements during the creating process.
Graphic design, also known as visual communication design, entails communicating ideas or messages through a variety of means, such as a combining symbols, images, and text. It uses "vision" as a way of composition and expression and studies how "visual communication" is created and perceived. At present, graphic design is not just equivalent to "simple splicing of graphics and texts". We can complete graphic creation through more diverse methods of expressions.
In AIP, the two specialisms are merged into one group, in which students can learn from each other. In our group, students were encouraged to share sketchbooks daily and information about artists weekly. Through the sharing, they could gradually develop their own view of art history and examine their own work more clearly.
Art is appreciation, conception and perception. Art “cognize” the world through our eyes. We read the information that the world is showing to us and experience feelings that are invisible to the naked eye. And through conception, art allows us to understand how "art history" has been established and developed, and also opens up the possibility and diversity of art. Art is perception, allowing us to "validate" the emotions that we discover through our five senses. And with the form of art, one can communicate, display, and share the different and unique language of each person with others in a way other than words.
The Fine Art/Graphic Design Group has also combined the theme 烨(Yè, Sparkle) in this exhibition. They have accumulated a lot during past three years at the AIP. At this graduation exhibition, they are ready to break their "boundaries". Through the first experience of this online exhibition, they got the chance to present their unique ideas in a more comprehensive way. And the contents of the works are diverse, with images, installations, paintings, photography, sculpture, brand design, etc. Meanwhile, the use of staggered and alternating presentation methods presents the possibilities of the Fine Art / Graphic design at the present time and also offers infinite ideas for the future.
Hopefully, everyone will be able to keep thinking in the future. You need to understand that you are lucky to be able to choose art that gives you eyes to perceive the world and understand the importance of accumulation. The road to art is a long one. You just have to do it right every step of the way. Maybe sometimes you don't have to pay too much attention to the results, and just enjoy the feedback of each stage at that moment. I wish you all the best of luck!
纯艺专业  学生作品
01  林曦



I started to investigate from the trafficked children in the wandering group, extracted the indifference of the traffickers and connected them with the cold-blooded animals.The presentation method used acrylic plates to replace the ice cubes. The raw meat photos were cut out. The shape of the cold-blooded animals was cut out. Use red paint, etc. Different materials simulate children's wounds and use glue to seal the layers, which means that the traffickers are "frozen" by their own indifference so that they cannot feel the pain of others.

02  王文漪
《无形的压力 Invisible Pressure》





This project is based on my own learning experience and what I have seen about Chinese education. The Chinese education system has caused a lot of negative effects. Families with children are under pressure from all sides, and people pay too much to get satisfactory results. With the increasing pressure of competition and the increasing expectations of parents, students are under great pressure in many ways, even leading to some extreme behaviors. I hope that through my work, people can feel something and make a difference

03  董晓莹




平面专业  学生作品
04  郑漫晴
《霓虹盲道 Neon-Tactile Paving》






This project is about what I observed on the road.I found that many tactile paving have been destroyed and irregular or occupied by bikes and cars.I can see many people are losing the tactile paving and people with visual impairment. I was curious about this phenomenon.So, I started to investigate and did some filed research. I found that many people still don't know what is tactile paving and some visual impaired people have been in trouble when they were travel by themselves. Therefore, I wanted to design a special tactile paving . In order to let people don't occupy the tactile paving and let more and more people know about what is tactile paving and careful respect the visual impaired people.
In order to let people don't occupy the tactile paving and let more and more people know about what is tactile paving and careful respect the visual impaired people.

05  韩宜欣
《安全屋 The boundary of privacy》
We live in a city surrounded by surveillance, where the boundaries between public and private are increasingly blurred. The location of the work chooses the seats with intervals in the public environment, which indirectly reflects the different responses of men and women to the protection of privacy and security.


指导老师  谢少玲

■曾参与“Imaginary Landscape”国际艺术展(瑞士);体感的风景展(台北);“一起来玩吧”个展(台北);“独立宣言”巨人杯提名展(北京);首届全国青年摄影大展(北京);奇妙之年——尚榕美术N计划(广州);“个体系统的建构”展览(东莞)等等;