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AIP 国际艺术课程入学考试安排通知(2020.8.15)

发布时间:2020/08/05 13:47:34 阅读:2707 招生电话:180-2232-2278

AIP 国际艺术课程入学考试安排通知
Notification of Entrance Examination Arrangements


Notice to Candidates

考生须于2020年8月15日(星期六)早8:30到广州美术学院附中宝岗校区(广州市海 珠区光汉直街40号原广东药学院)玻璃房,办理考试注册手续。

Candidates should arrive at the Glass Room of Baogang Campus of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (former Guangdong Pharmaceutical College, No. 40 Guanghanzhi Street, Haizhu District, Guangzhou) at 8:30 in the morning on 15th August(Saturday), 2020 to complete the registration procedures for the exam.
须带一寸照片1张(背面备注姓名)、身份证原件及复印件1份(没有身份证须出 示户口本原件和复印件)、考务费300元(可提前在公众号上支付)。
Please bring with you ONE one-inch photos (with candidate's name on the back), the original and ONE copy of ID card (original and a copy of Household Register is required if you do not have the ID card) and the examination fee (300 yuan, which can also be paid in advance through our official account on Wechat)

Examination Arrangements (more details will be notified on site)

AIP 国际艺术课程入学考试安排通知(2020.8.15)

AIP 国际艺术课程入学考试安排通知(2020.8.15)

三、专业考试须知:素描需准备铅笔、炭笔、橡皮、画板;色彩需准备颜料(水彩、水 粉、丙烯均可)、画笔、调色盘、水桶、擦布、画板等;创作材料不限(以前两科所 用材料为主)。
Art Examination Notice: Pencils, charcoal pencils, erasers and drawing board are needed for Sketch. For Artistic Creation, Pigments (water colour, gouache or acrylic) 、 painting brush、palette、bucket、wiping rag 、drawing board, etc. are needed. Creation materials are not limited (based on the materials used in the former two subjects).
四、考试当天需携带:考试工具:签字笔、圆珠笔、绘画用具(见专业考试须 知),资料:一寸照片 1 张(背面备注姓名)、身份证原件及复印件 1 份。
Candidates need to bring: Stationery: pen, ball-point pen, drawing tools (reference Art Examination Notice). Documents: ONE one-inch photos (with candidate's name on the back), the original and ONE copy of ID card.


Sketchbooks are allowed to bring into the exam room as creation material.

五、英语免试条件:高一、高二年级雅思总分 4.5 或托福 40 分;高三雅思总分 5 或托福 60 分。
Grade 10 and Grade 11 candidates with the transcript of 4.5 band score in IELTS or 40 points in TOFEL, Grade 12 candidates with the transcript of 5 band score in IELTS or 60 points in TOFEL can apply for the exemption from General English Examination.
六、经审核,考生的英语、专业及面试成绩达到录取标准后,招生办公室将在考试 后一周内联系考生家长并发放《录取通知书》。
After the assessment, if the candidate's results of English exam, art exam and interview meet the admission criteria, the Admissions Office will contact the candidate's parent and issue an "Admission Notice" within one week after the exam.

七、咨询电话:132-6839-8199 或 、 。

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 020-3414566 or Mr. Liu at and Ms. Ma at .