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【展览预告】“间歇——Lucy Willow”个人作品展

发布时间:2016/04/01 10:35:34 阅读:3187 招生电话:180-2232-2278




Artist:  Lucy Willow


Curator:  Alan Lun


Date:  8 April 2016- 13 May 2016

开幕时间:2016年4月8日 15:00 pm

Opening:15:00 pm 8 April 2016

展览地点:AIP画廊 (红专厂F6-2)

Location:  AIP Gallery  (F6-Redtory)

主办:AIP Gallery

Organizes: AIP Gallery


Co-Organizes: Redtory, Falmouth University


身为英国法尔茅斯大学雕塑专业的高级讲师,露西·薇洛的作品不仅被广泛地展览于各地,也同时被很多私人藏家所珍视收存。艺术家于近期结束了在冰岛为期一个月的艺术家驻地项目(2015年12月),便很快投入到本次的展览之中。她因用灰尘制作地毯的系列作品首次受到了业内关注,比如2007年在泰特画廊所展出的“Art Now Cornwall”作品系列。针对本次于AIP艺术画廊所开展的艺术家驻地项目以及个人展览,薇洛选择直接在画廊墙壁上进行创作以去营造一种能够反映出等待、间歇以及介乎于空间内外的感觉。






Wall Text

Lucy Willow is artist senior lecturer in Fine Art Sculpture at Falmouth University. She has exhibited widely both nationally and internationally her work sold in private collections around the world. She has recently returned from a 1 month artists residency in Iceland (December 2015). Her work first received acclaim with a series of Dust carpets made on location and for specific environments such as Art Now Cornwall, Tate Gallery (2007). For this exhibition and artist residency at AIP Gallery Willow has drawn directly onto the gallery walls to create an environment that reflects the feeling of waiting for something to happen, a gap; a space in-between.

“At the end there is a pause, an interlude.”

At the end of what we do not know? It could represent the end of life or the world. It represents a space of nothingness and suspension while we wait for what is next.  It could also simply be the space between an in-breath and an out-breath. It is a pause, an ‘interlude’. The artist has left this open for us to imagine what lies just out of reach, beyond the known reality of what we understand. The drawings, soundscape and animation are what she imagines lies in this gap, at a point in time where we are on an edge of what is familiar and known. The soundscape in the exhibition is sampled from the NASA website and is the sound of black holes in deep space. It is the sound found in the emptiness of deep space, between perhaps the death of a star and the birth of planet.It is left open for the audience to imagine.

Lucy Willow’s themes within her work are concerned with death, the cultural codes, taboos, social norms and morals that surround it.She has for a number of years created installations using dust and ephemeral materials to reflect the fact that all life is transient and we are here for a short moment in time. She has also worked with the medium of photography to investigate the themes of loss and bereavement within her work and life. Death as a subject matter,allow her to reflect upon the profound beauty that can be found in a transient moment such as death and mourning.

“We find beauty within the most transient of moments of life.”

—— Alan Lun,Lucy Willow 


Academic Translation:Stella Wang


露西·薇洛 (Lucy Willow)


2011-2012 法尔茅斯大学荣获高等教育硕士研究生学位




2004-2012 法尔茅斯大学访问艺术家




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