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发布时间:2016/03/10 16:39:26 阅读:3821 招生电话:400-999-3700

曼彻斯特城市大学艺术学院国际学生导师Janine Goldsworthy女士
曼彻斯特城市大学艺术学院国际部总监Alan Holmes先生
曼彻斯特城市大学国际部区域经理Andrew Rennie先生

(从左至右)AIP广州中心外事主管周辰琛老师,曼彻斯特城市大学中国办公室负责人Kristi Xu女士,曼彻斯特城市大学艺术学院国际学生导师Janine Goldsworthy女士,曼彻斯特城市大学艺术学院国际部总监Alan Holmes先生,曼彻斯特城市大学国际部区域经理Andrew Rennie先生。


Compare to the other Art Academy in UK, What make Manchester Metropolitan University School of Art so special?

Alan Holmes:艺术学院教学大楼是曼彻斯特城市大学总投资35亿人民币新建的教学楼,并于2013年投入使用,曼彻斯特城市大学的艺术学院拥有众多工作室,如木材、金属、陶瓷、布料、纺织、印花、书本装订、影视制作及摄影等等,并且每个工作室都配备专业人员。除此之外,学校还拥有激光切割及3D打印设备。

Recent significant investment in facilities and buildings £35 million spend on new buildings and upgraded workshops in 2013,Extensive, fully staffed with technical experts, workshops in wood /metal /ceramics /textiles /sewing /printmaking /bookbinding and photography and film making facilities to undertake digital making such as laser cutting and 3D printing. Manchester School of Arts students make work.

▣ 曼彻斯特城市大学艺术学院工作室

Alan Holmes曼彻斯特城市大学艺术学院现在是英国最优秀的艺术设计类高等教育课程提供者之一,我们的建筑设计服装设计平面设计全英排名前15。学校的课程设置以创新,先进,多样化为主,同时为学生提供与行业资深人士、组织、校外专家交流的机会。同时学校的Unit X课程为学生提供了跨专业合作的机会。

Currently among the best in the Art and Design HE providers in the UK top 10 for Architecture/Fashion/Graphics 15th for Art and Design Higher that for example NTU and UAL,Innovative, award winning, dynamic, curriculum design with opportunities for students to engage with external professions, industries and organisations as well as work with students from other courses in the School of Art.



According to you, what are the advantages that British art education system possess by comparing with art school in the United States?

Alan Holmes:这是一个很好的问题。在英国学习艺术设计类的本科课程会比较注重实践,学生从入学第一天起就有很多的实践机会,许多有影响力的艺术设计师都来自英国,如MMU三维设计毕业的Thomas Heatherwick, 服装设计毕业的Sarah Burton;除此之外,还有McQueen, Ives, Dyson等著名设计师;而美国的本科会偏向通识教育,直到研究生才会有可能获得更专业的实践。

It’s a very good question. In the UK in UG Art and Design students are specialist Art and Design practitioners from day 1. Many influential and important designers in the world are UK Art school trained Heatherwick, McQueen, Ives, Dyson etc . In the US, on the whole, students are in major/ minor programmers and do not engage fully as specialists until they are PG.


Can you introduce some alumnus who graduated from The University of Manchester? and which one impress you the most ? How can MMU help those alumnus in such a successful way during their study ?

Janine Goldsworthy:曼彻斯特城市大学三维设计毕业生Thomas Heatherwick,如今是世界著名的建筑设计大师。他在读时,就喜欢在工作室探索各种材料的运用,去发现新奇而有趣的材料,并享受着各种实践带来的乐趣。

Thomas Heatherwick graduate of the Three Dimensional Design course. Tom enjoyed and used workshops in the school to explore interesting and innovative ways to work with materials and enjoyed the creative freedom to explore design through making.

▣ 建筑师Thomas Heatherwick

▣ 2010上海2010上海世博会英国种子馆,建筑师Thomas Heatherwick, UK Pavilion, 代表作品:Shanghai Expo 

Janine Goldsworthy:面料/服装设计毕业生Lauren Bowker是个具备创新精神的英国纺织品设计师, Lauren Bowker 在MMU的时候就喜欢运用科技与材料加入到设计中,如今她已成为英国顶尖的服装设计师,所设计的作品引领了时尚的潮流。目前她自己也在运营SEE THE UNSEEN这个团体。

Lauren Bowker a graduate of textiles/fashion at MMU is an innovative and up and coming British Fashion and Textiles designer who uses new and emerging technologies to offer a unique perspective on the future of fashion. She worked at MMU on developing her conceptual approach to fashion and first developed her interest in science and design at the School of Art. She runs an organization called SEETHEUNSEEN.

▣ Lauren Bowker 作品:Valediction sculpture

▣ Lauren Bowker作品:PHNX fashion piece

AIP: 在社会实践方面MMU会给予学生怎样的帮助呢?

What kind of help could MMU provided for students in practical training during their study?

Janine Goldsworthy:我们所有的学生都会在他们所学领域的专业工作室里进行学习及培训,传统教学会与现代化电子科技相结合,如使用软件及CAM技术。同时,我们也跟工业紧密合作,所以他们都比较专业地关注于我们做的事情。这就意味着我们的学生毕业后能更好地走向社会,我们的毕业生大多数都具备创新精神,并且能够全心投入新的工作环境中。

All our students are introduced and trained in the specialist practice workshops of their discipline both in the use of traditional analogue techniques and digital software and CAM technologies. We also work quiet close to the industry. And what that means is that our students are well equipped to come into the world of work after they graduate from us. So they generally are very innovative and quiet kind of engaging students.

▣ 曼彻斯特城市大学艺术工作室


In the afternoon you have seen the student’s work about Architecture, Animation, Fashion and others, what do you think about them?For those lovely student ,Do you think are they good enough to impress the interviewer at this moment ?

Alan Holmes:AIP的这群孩子给我们留下了很深刻的印象,他们善于表达,非常有自信,并且我发现大部分的同学英语表达能力非常好!充分给我们展现出了自己对艺术的理解与能力。今天我们看了许多同学的作品集,这群孩子真的非常棒,AIP将他们教导得非常好,对于这群热爱艺术的孩子,我建议在接下来的时间内,同学们需要将自己对艺术的理解更深入地研究,并且完善自己的作品。

We were very impressed with your students work they showed a high level of conceptual ability and skill. They were articulate and confident and most had really good English! Some of the students we interviewed need to further Develop their ideas to more finished solutions but they have time to do this. The students are a credit to AIP!

▣ 曼彻斯特城市大学艺术学院介绍活动结束后同学们纷纷询问该校相关信息

▣ 曼彻斯特城市大学的老师们为同学们点评其作品集

▣ 曼彻斯特城市大学的老师们为同学们点评其作品集


What if our students pass the interview and become one of the MMU, What can’t be missed during their study in MMU?

Alan Holmes:曼彻斯特是个属于学生的城市,在纽约时报上名列前50最值得拜访的城市之一,这个城市年轻而有活力,曼彻斯特城有非常多的展览活动,很多足球俱乐部,酒吧,这个城市最酷的地方,就是中国城,曼彻斯特艺术电影院,还有在城市的中心著名的购物城Trafford centre。从我的角度来说,学校或者学生会经常举办各种各样的活动,同学们参与到多姿多彩的校园活动中不但开阔学生的眼界,同时也可从中认识非常多志同道合的朋友。

Manchester is a student city. There is always so much going on - exhibition previews to premier league football, drinks in the northern quarter, the city's cool area, to food in china town. A night out at Manchester’s art house cinema Home is a brilliant night out and of course shopping in the centre of town or in the famous. Manchester is on the New York Times list of top 50 cities to visit in the world. For my point of view, In MMU we have lots of activities which are hold by the school or the student union, being part of it could not only help them broaden their horizon but also make more friends from it.

▣ 曼彻斯特城