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发布时间:2016/03/10 16:05:55 阅读:2158 招生电话:400-999-3700


Soon Lee:Director of International Development


Min Li:International Office (East Asia)


Chenchen Zhou:Director of International Office, AIP Guangzhou Center


“Be open minded, curious,and reflective in learning”


——Soon Lee

AIP:我们知道一个非常著名的中国歌手Eason Chan毕业于金斯顿大学建筑系,但毕业后没有选择从事建筑而是音乐这个方向,您如何评价学生在专业和职业方向上的重大转变?

A famous Chinese singer named Eason Chan who also graduated from the department of Architecture of Kinston. He didn’t choose to be an Architect but a Musician. So how did the Kingston university help the student to start their career if their major is totally different ?


Many students do not go into career that is directly related to their major. For Example, Artists orengineers manage their companies and become the owners. One of the key things we do is to nurture students' employ ability or transferable skills such as presentation skill,teamwork, resilience,persistence, which are crucial in all sectors. Resilience, persistence etc. Our courses have incorporated the skills building into the curriculum. Additionally we have also many extra curriculum which students can participate in, such as entrepreneurship boot camp, volunteering scheme, study /work abroad opportunities.


Is that possible if the art student are also interesting in the other area. For example, Biological,engineering, mathematics, computer……How did Kinston university help them to develop themselves in different area?

Soon: 除上述的额外课程之外,Kingston大学会策划并组织不同行业的研讨会,如互联网事件,通过与该行业领先人物进行对话,学校也会欢迎跨学科的学生参与并讨论。与此同时,学校也会提供短期课程,学生可以根据自己的兴趣进行注册。

In addition to the above, Kingston also organises many seminars, such as network events, and talks from key figures from the industry in which students across disciplines can participate. There are also short courses which students can register according to their interest.


As we all know Kinston university is a multicultural campus with those international students who come from all over the world with different cultural background .What do you think the difference between Western thinking and Asian thinking ?


In general, Asian learning involves hard working and isexam focused, but it is very challenging for our teachers.In the Western learning environment, students are encouraged to develop their own opinions and explain the rationale oftheir views. Maybe these opinions are not directly related to their learning content, but they can be part of the raw materials students collect for their subject learning.


As an Asian, How to prepare yourself for integrating into Western life and better understand Western thinking?


I would encourage Asian students to mix with not just the Western students, but students from all other parts of the world. Kingston is privileged to be very diversified with students from more than 150 countries.This is a great opportunity to learn the cultures and ways of thinking in different countries.Be open minded, curious, and reflective in their learning.